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Daniel, Amaya N.Readers/Advisors
Heinrich, UrsulaTerm and Year
Fall 2021Date Published
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Mental health is a serious issue that we see present today, as it revolves around an individual's emotional and psychological well-being. Both current and past traumas can result in fluctuating one's mental health. Past traumas can stem as early as childhood experiences. These experiences can alter an individual's judgment, leading them to potentially put themselves and others in danger. Most criminals have suffered from traumatic experiences that they haven't dealt with, and serial killers aren't any different. This research paper aims to study the mind of serial killers, specifically how the motive and execution of these people's murders are different based on their gender. Through a set of articles and videos, the mannerism of three male killers and two female killers were observed. This observation resulted in the analysis of their cases, connecting it back to answer the main research question at hand. The main research questions are: How does the mind of a serial killer work concerning gender? And do past traumas contribute to how they pick their victims? The significance of this study is that past traumas/ experiences can affect the mind of many serial killers and murderers today. The gender of these individuals is a significant factor in the execution of this murder This study is essential as acknowledging mental health can help resolve issues that later cause serial killers to act on impulse. Additionally, learning how to handle and go about each case differently due to gender playing a significant factor. This study includes that female and male serial killers have both similarities and differences. The main similarity is that they tend to suffer from past experiences, neglect, torture, lack of love, etc., which causes them not to be the most stable in decision making. In addition, while males may act out of sexual desires, females tend to work off revenge or profit. Keywords: Serial Killers, Male v. Females, Childhood upbringing, MotiveAccessibility Statement
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