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Rocha, RonnieReaders/Advisors
Tusman, LeeTerm and Year
Fall 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
A web application is made up of many pieces working together to create the overall design and function. These pieces are referred to as the web application stack when referencing to them as a whole. My research found that there are many different stacks that can be used depending on the end result that's needed. To put into practice this research, I created a electronic register application. For my mockup application I used many different pieces to make up both the frontend and backend of the application. The frontend included HTML, CSS and JavaScript. While the backend consisted of Apache tomcat server and MySQL database. This research was important for learning of real-world applications of these stacks. In this thesis I explore the web application stack, define its individual parts, and put them into practice to create a mockup electronic register application. This application would be used to make sales transactions and save them within a database for record keeping.Accessibility Statement
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