Nathan For Us Questioning Reality: The Authority of the Camera in Nathan For You
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Derella, Sophie R.Readers/Advisors
Pine, JasonTerm and Year
Fall 2021Date Published
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Reality television has been evolving for years. I believe that the show, Nathan For You, allows for the latest understanding of reality television. In this paper I would like to discuss the history of reality television and where the Comedy Central show Nathan For You fits into this history. Why does this matter? Nathan For You is an absurdist take on the makeover theme that is the focus of many reality television shows. This absurdist presentation that Nathan Fielder uses in his comedy is one that fits in the history of reality television. The series is meant to come off as a serious documentary style to struggling business owners but in reality, it consists of Fielder giving outrageous advice that works in his favor. It is a mix of tricking the people he is helping while also tricking the audience. Many of the people that Fielder gives advice to do not know that they are being tricked. This allows for feelings of a prank show, where people know different things at different times. This is where human connection is made clear. It is important to understand human interaction when a camera is present because the camera presents ultimate authority and in turn, makes Fielder the ultimate authority. This show is a mix of the discussions related to reality in the makeover, prank, late capitalism, and satire realm. Reality television shapes the way that we see reality, so is that reality real or fake? What does 'real' actually mean?Accessibility Statement
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