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Crawford, Isabella J.Readers/Advisors
Zarzosa, AgustinTerm and Year
Fall 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This study investigates and analyzes the various cinematic techniques that build upon each other and are used in order to create suspense in audio/visual media, specifically television. Musical terms, such as dissonance and consonance, are the perfect analogy for suspense in film. Suspense is not told in a specific manner, but rather conveyed through various cinematic techniques that build upon each other to evoke emotions, like a dissonant chord. An episode of Sam Esmail's Mr. Robot will be used to examine possible patterns and combinations in film. The study has determined that there are many factors in narrative film thus it is difficult to find a "correct" way to build suspense, but nuance is key in what cinematic language should be used and layered to result in effective suspenseful sequences.Accessibility Statement
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