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King, Emma C.Readers/Advisors
Lewis, CatherineTerm and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
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I am including the first half of my novella, Hell House, about a young woman named Kara whose sister, Alex, was recently murdered. She must come to terms with the paranormal activity that has plagued her since she was young and, with the help of her best friend, Sabrina, she will figure out what exactly happened. I am also including my short fantasy story, "A Healer's Trauma" about a world where you gain a class once you become of age. A young man named Leone, along with his friends, Thilo and Nimm, as they gain their titles and must learn to deal with them as not everyone is happy with their newly given title. I am including a much shorter first person narration piece titled "Holes" about a town being plagued by mysterious holes and I am ending it with my sci-fi first person narration microfiction that takes a different spin on alien abductions.Accessibility Statement
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