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Hudgins, Jackson G.Readers/Advisors
Heinrich, UrsulaTerm and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Background: Many non-profit organizations rely solely or heavily on individual donations. It is imperative for these organizations to have efficient and effective fundraising methods in place to ensure continued operation. Objective: This study aims to research which fundraising techniques can most widely be adopted to be both effective and efficient across the board for performing arts non-profits. Design and Method: The research method is based on a collection of peer reviewed journals, blogs from members of performing arts non-profits, theses arranged by students in a related field, dissertations, brochures, and conversations had with representatives of a collection of performing arts non-profits. While full quantitative research would give a better picture in terms of grossing amounts, this study is mainly a qualitative review of what works for organizations of differing sizes. The main research question was: What is the most effective and efficient way to raise funds for performing arts non-profits. Results: This study shows that generally, personal connection and relationship building with a small group of profound givers is the most profitable form of fundraising. Conclusions: While there is a plethora of ways to go about fundraising, cost and time must be taken into consideration. There are many fundraising techniques that can prove profitable, however, when taking effort per dollar into consideration, it is much more cost effective for organizations to focus and breed relationships with members who can relate to the mission. For most performing arts non-profits, it is easier to obtain a large amount from a few donors, rather than a small amount from many donors. Keywords: Fundraising, Non-profit, Performing ArtsAccessibility Statement
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