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Ollinger, Jennifer H.Readers/Advisors
Bell-Smith, MichaelTerm and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
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From birth to the projected future! Special moments in my life have been carefully selected down to individual moments. Each memory has an assigned genre and movie poster themed around the appropriate content. Much like viewing a real movie, each poster has a story behind it and additional details hidden in the billing block. My love for entertainment provided a fantastic opportunity to break down walls and challenge myself to put myself first instead of others. The drive for this idea sprouted from art and photography, being able to combine the two with unique themes and effects turned out to be more difficult than anticipated, being my own worst critic! We tend to be hard on ourselves and underestimate the potential that is right in front of us. This project has allowed me to craft a story - my story in a theatrical, entertaining, and visually pleasing direction for everyone to see moments in my life that I am proud to showcase.Accessibility Statement
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