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Chen, Samuel Z.Readers/Advisors
Owens, RachelTerm and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Animal Family is a collection of ceramic pieces that form a community, sharing a common thread of identity, fantasy, and weirdness. This work is iterative and a fabricated story that transcends my voice into a conversation of the human condition to register ourselves as agents of our bodies and communities. As a queer mixed race Chinese American, these ceramic figures are symbolic of the cultural complexities I've experienced through the communities I belong to. The consequences of this have affected the way I navigate and interact with all sides of my identity. The group of figures are the formulation of an endless inquiry of self inside a social dynamic and responsively an act of what it means to be in a community and family. This family is beautiful, layered, cold, warm, visceral, and honest.Accessibility Statement
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