The Importance of Protecting Abortion Rights in a Patriarchal Society
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Massad, Lucy K.Readers/Advisors
Zechowski, SharonTerm and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
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In 1973, the Supreme Court was presented with the case of Roe v. Wade. This case resulted in the determination that it was a constitutional right for women to seek termination of an unwanted pregnancy without excess government restrictions. While there have been arguments against this ruling ever since, these oppositions rapidly reached the forefront after the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barret. Barret's confirmation shifted the majority of those serving on Supreme Court towards those with more conservative beliefs. Suddenly, many legislators and state representatives began implementing abortion restrictions in an attempt to bring the case of Roe v. Wade back to the Supreme Court as it is believed that there is a possibility of reversing this verdict. Through the close examination of scholarly evidence, this capstone project documents the negative impact banning abortion will have upon women and society and expose the deception behind the Pro-Life movement, in an effort to challenge the dominant Pro-Life narrative and convince the reader why abortion rights must be protected.Accessibility Statement
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