The Construction of the St. Vitus Cathedral and Aspects of Its Restoration Projects
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Poborsky, Stephanie B.Readers/Advisors
Kaplan, Paul H.Term and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
In the mid 1300s the decision to construct a grand Cathedral for the center of Bohemia which was Prague, was thought out by Charles IV. This took 600 years from the date that the first stone was laid on November 21, 1344 to September of 1929. Throughout the centuries, St Vitus Cathedral has had much influence from multiple reigns that sat upon the throne of Bohemia and the Holy Roman empire. Architects were most viable, and looked too for the completion of Prague's Cathedral. Through times that war would pass through and damage and ruin the art of the Cathedral. Research provided us with the insight on how kings and emperors would push for the construction, as well as the influence that the architects had on the completion of this Cathedral. Besides the construction of the Cathedral is the importance of Restoration that comes with the history of any art form. The restoration of the Golden Gate Mosaic is an important aspect of restoration through its many forms along the process, and smaller restoration practices that follow the same form documentation that is mentioned in this paper.Accessibility Statement
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