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dc.contributor.authorBengel, Johnathan R.
dc.description.abstractFrom the beginning of his career Dario Argento has exhibited an unmistakable visual style. The filmmaker opts for first-person perspectives, zooming lenses, and fluid tracking shots rather than traditional cinematic language. The films he wrote and directed featured varying degrees of murder and violence, many times directed toward women. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, The Cat O'Nine Tails, Tenebrae and Opera are analyzed to explore Argento's specific violence. Through my research I argue that Argento's camera is operating to elicit a visceral response from the audience. For instance, using the camera to stalk victims in these particular films or indulging the audience with their base desires: vulnerable naked women. My research has interesting results as this statement is not quite true. Instead, my findings indicate that Argento is aware of these criticisms but continues to create controversial material to begin a conversation. The conversation between the camera and audience results with the filmmaker using cinematic language to do so. The language implicates his viewers as the true voyeur and the cause for the graphic violence seen in these films.
dc.subjectFirst Reader Agustin Zarzosa
dc.subjectSenior Project
dc.subjectSemester Spring 2021
dc.titleThe Voyeuristic Camera of Dario Argento
dc.typeSenior Project
dc.description.institutionPurchase College SUNY
dc.description.departmentCinema Studies
dc.description.degreelevelBachelor of Arts
dc.description.advisorZarzosa, Agustin 2021
dc.accessibility.statementPurchase College - State University of New York (PC) is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have an opportunity equal to that of their nondisabled peers to participate in the College's programs, benefits, and services, including those delivered through electronic and information technology. If you encounter an access barrier with a specific item and have a remediation request, please contact

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