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Browne-Jacobs, UniqueReaders/Advisors
Rossman, MeganTerm and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Throughout history the stigma and politics surrounding the way black women choose to showcase their natural hair has contributed to the diminishing of identities among many young women in their communities. This study will examine how African American women's hair may be negatively viewed by society and how some perceptions have driven appearance. Black hair is perceived by society as unprofessional and unclean. The fact of the matter remains that it is neither. Black hair is misunderstood among many including its own community. It is no secret that many can say that mass media and specifically television has led us to believe that there is an ideal standard of beauty established in society. For most African American women, that standard is impossible to attain without the discretion of their natural beauty. However, while this may be true, there are multiple contributing factors that may have also impacted to the diminishing of black natural hair.Accessibility Statement
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