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Landreth, Lawrence W.Readers/Advisors
Stafford, PeggyTerm and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
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Based on True Events High school freshmen Connor has been dealing with his best friend Tristan's bullying ever since they started school. But it only got worse when Tristan's parents started getting a divorce. Not wanting to let his childhood best friend go Connor puts up with it, but is conflicted on whether or not he should let Tristan go or if he should stay. After auditioning for the school play he lands a lead role and befriends two seniors Robbie and Kelly who are dating. But once they learn of Connor's abusive relationship with Tristan, it causes them to reflect on their own relationship. Should I Stay explores the world of complicated and toxic relationships, and if one has the desire for positive change they must be willing to look inside themselves and make tough decisions.Accessibility Statement
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