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Fineberg, Jason M.Readers/Advisors
Dunn, JayTerm and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
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These are the expressions of my journey for my acting senior project. All of these essays surround my portrayal of the Loud Stone in Sarah Ruhl's take on Ovid Metamorphoses, Eurydice. It is here where I reveal how I ended up becoming the Loud Stone, my initial intentions and thoughts about the character before the start of the rehearsal process vs my thought process and the steps that I took to become the final product that you all know for this production. It is also here where I will also look into the background behind the Stones. Why in the world would Sarah Ruhl include these characters in Eurydice in the first place? What is the inspiration for these Stones? The answer for that is the Greek Chorus. I will draw a comparison between them and explain why they are connected to the Stones.Accessibility Statement
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