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Watson, Huston S.Readers/Advisors
Stafford, PeggyTerm and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
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My Husband is a journey through the lives of two men, Tim and John Goodman-Flowers, as they grapple with the crushing reality of Alzheimer's disease. This play is inspired by a story from my own life about my great aunt who passed away from the disease. She was in the hospital and thought her children were strangers, but she was able to remember her nephews clear as day. As this is a familial disease, I am fascinated by the effects it can have on people and wanted to use this play to explore how memory interacts with love. John is suffering from Alzheimer's and he doesn't recognize his husband. Tim visits him and shares memories of their life together in the hopes that it will spark the smallest piece of recollection of him. The two are joined by their daughter as they laugh, sing, reminisce and become emotional over the memories they've built together as a family. I hope you too will join them on this journey through memory and reflect fondly on the memories you've made as well. In memory of Laura (Lura) Brebnor. -Huston S. Watson Jr.Accessibility Statement
Purchase College - State University of New York (PC) is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have an opportunity equal to that of their nondisabled peers to participate in the College's programs, benefits, and services, including those delivered through electronic and information technology. If you encounter an access barrier with a specific item and have a remediation request, please contact lib.ir@purchase.edu.Collections