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dc.contributor.authorNickel, Lily K.
dc.description.abstractIn my Senior Project, I am thinking about all the collections that make me what I am. These include my actual object collections, my collection of family members, my memory collection, and my bodily collection. I am taking all the different things from my collections and combining them all together in a body of artwork, which then becomes a reflection of myself once all the pieces are put together. I myself am one body made up of a collection of all the things I love and am, just as my work is. I use the biological definition of dichotomy to visualize what the collection of me looks like, when an organism divides into two groups during evolution, or when a plant has repeating bifurcated branches. I also use the term dichotomy in my work to describe when one thing has multiple contradicting parts. Both myself and my artwork is an amalgamation of all the things I have collected in my life, whether they fuse neatly or contradict. Things from unrelated collections can seem entirely contrasting, but simultaneously be the same. Everything I am is inherently the same because it is me, yet everything is completely different.
dc.subjectFirst Reader Wells Chandler
dc.subjectSenior Project
dc.subjectSemester Spring 2021
dc.titleSame but Different: a Collection of Collections in One Body
dc.typeSenior Project
dc.description.institutionPurchase College SUNY
dc.description.departmentPainting and Drawing
dc.description.degreelevelBachelor of Fine Arts
dc.description.advisorChandler, Wells 2021
dc.accessibility.statementPurchase College - State University of New York (PC) is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have an opportunity equal to that of their nondisabled peers to participate in the College's programs, benefits, and services, including those delivered through electronic and information technology. If you encounter an access barrier with a specific item and have a remediation request, please contact

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