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Nunez, Drisy G.Readers/Advisors
Hantgan, AlysaTerm and Year
Spring 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
The main goal of my research is to shed light on the inequities that exist today, in regards to climate and other subjects related directly to climate and the environment. The research covers topics such as the cruel and unsensible treatment of our forests, waters, and air as we contaminate and burn what we can without regard for those who cannot protect themselves. Such as the hundreds of thousands of animals that die every year, month, and day as a result of deforestation and even the other, more vulnerable people also impacted by the loss of habitat. My goal is to bring together, and to share ways in which we can learn to make conscientious choices while being mindful of our impact and carbon footprint on Earth. I also want to show the trends of environmental destruction over the past 150 years. The issues in regards to environmental impact and damage are similar to the issues being caused at the start of the industrial revolution, with the expansion of coal use, machinery, and mass-scaled agriculture. Issues that we in fact continue to face to this day. In 1849, French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose " – the more things change, the more they stay the same... this is an apt quote to describe the fight for climate justice yesterday, and today.Accessibility Statement
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