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dc.contributor.authorCampanelli, Maya R.
dc.description.abstractAbstract Background: The COVID-19 pandemic was unexpected and sudden, starting in December 2019, and was declared a pandemic in March 2020. Due to the spread of the virus, many countries went into a lockdown, causing gym, dance, and yoga studios to be shut down temporarily. Online yoga was one strategy individuals used to help maintain physical and mental health. Objective: The aim of this study is the examine the effects of online yoga during the COVID-19 pandemic regarding mental health, physical health and immune system, and relationships with others in isolation.  Design and Method: The research method is based on literature regarding COVID-19 effects on mental and physical health, as well as the contributions of taking online yoga. Studies and journal articles are reviewed and reported in the results section. The research questions are: How has online yoga helped those who practiced with their mental health during isolation? Is there a significant difference in their physical health and immune system? Has online yoga during the pandemic improved relationships with others in isolation? Results: The significance of this study shows how online yoga was a helpful tool to help cope with stress, uncertainty and improve relationships. The research has also shown immunity benefits from practicing yoga, which is essential during COVID-19. Conclusions: Having access to yoga online was and continues to be beneficial. Taking a holistic approach to health and practicing yoga can be worthwhile, especially with the anxieties and worry from the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, online yoga, mental health, relationships, immune system 
dc.subjectFirst Reader Ursula Heinrich
dc.subjectCapstone Paper
dc.subjectSemester Fall 2020
dc.titleOnline Yoga and COVID-19
dc.typeCapstone Paper
dc.description.institutionPurchase College SUNY
dc.description.degreelevelBachelor of Science
dc.description.advisorHeinrich, Ursula 2020
dc.accessibility.statementPurchase College - State University of New York (PC) is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have an opportunity equal to that of their nondisabled peers to participate in the College's programs, benefits, and services, including those delivered through electronic and information technology. If you encounter an access barrier with a specific item and have a remediation request, please contact

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