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Mancuso, Michelle F.Readers/Advisors
Zechowski, SharonTerm and Year
Fall 2020Date Published
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This capstone paper will examine the correlations between leading clothing company H&M's advertising campaigns and the damage induced on the environment as a result of H&M's convincing greenwashing and its everlasting success as a whole. Fast fashion's purposeful ignorance of blatantly toxic materials and ability to look away from the wasteful practices involved in their manufacturing, transportation, and disposal of materials are the core of America's treatment of their clothes. The analysis attempts to uncover how so much success can co-exist with immense environmental injustice. It is the hope of the researcher to help the reader commit to that which is too often left out of the conversation: to make a personal connection to clothing using factual information about the fast fashion industry, and to use a mindful approach when deciding on a fashion brand to invest- or not invest- in.Accessibility Statement
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