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Pimentel, AshleyReaders/Advisors
Mazurett-Boyle, RosaDate Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This capstone explores the advantages of collaboration and co-teaching among ESOL and mainstream teachers to enhance instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs). Drawing on the research literature it seeks to answer the question of how co-teaching affects the academic performance of ELLs. This overarching research was selected to investigate the difficulties faced by ELLs and teachers in terms of instruction and to improve academic outcomes for ELLs in general education courses. Additionally, this capstone includes a Professional Development designed to explain those difficulties along with tools that can be used for educators when working together and co-teaching. My recommendation is that further studies look at the need for continued data collection on outcomes of collaboration to create more effective co-teaching strategies and models for ELLs in mainstream classrooms.Accessibility Statement
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