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Nemeroff, Casey ScarlettKeyword
SIFEParental involvemen
Culturally responsive teaching
Professional development
Social-emotional wellbeing
Altalouli, MahmoudDate Published
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Students with Interrupted/Inconsistent Formal Education (SIFE) are at great risk in the United States education system due to social, emotional, and financial factors far beyond their control. These students face enormous barriers that keep them from being able to reach their highest potential, thus holding them back in society. Educators are rarely given support and resources for how to best teach SIFE students. The literature shows there are actionable practices to best accommodate SIFE students. At College Point Collaborative, professional developments will be held, including an open-house event for families to attend. The goal of these PD opportunities is to address common problems among SIFE students such as high drop-out rates, social-emotional issues, and the overall lack of resources for not only SIFE students and their families, but for their educators as well. Recommendations include building culturally responsive classrooms where every student feels welcome and a sense of belonging, forming relationships with families to support their needs, keeping families informed on student progress and graduation requirements, and partnering families with school and community programs.Accessibility Statement
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