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Mastrup, JuliaKeyword
English Language Learner (ELL)Mainstream classrooms
Culturally responsive teaching
Professional development
Mazurett-Boyle, RosaDate Published
Show full item recordAbstract
The capstone project aims to address the problem of inadequate preparation and support for general education teachers working with English Language Learners (ELLs). Thus, the research question of the project is focused on how to cultivate readiness for educators working with ELLs. The growing ELL population and the shortage of bilingual teachers have resulted in ELL students lacking culturally appropriate instruction and specialized strategies to succeed academically. The significance of the problem lies in the need for teachers to familiarize themselves with ELL practices to become effective educators for ELL students, as these students tend to experience lower academic achievement and worse post-school outcomes. The purpose of the project is to equip general education teachers with the necessary tools through targeted professional development sessions, introducing them to the challenges faced by unprepared teachers and providing instructional strategies and insights. The capstone project aims to empower teachers to effectively teach and support ELL students in their classrooms.