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Cook, KristaKeyword
Service designProduct design
Outdoor industry
Web design
User centered
User experience
Qualitative research
Grounded theory
Psychological motivation
Self determination theory
Research methods
Term and Year
Spring 2022Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
This paper outlines the use of service design principles and methods, with the incorporation of people’s psychological needs, as applied to a user-centric re-design of a website. The website in question, “Peak of the Parks,” is an interactive informational website with the goal of helping U.S. National Park visitors compare locations visually on a map and details on the park’s activities, landmarks, and facilities all in one place. The original website helps to give enough information at a glance to create informed opinions, but was initially made with little outside input. Using service design methods offers a user-centric way to find out what the expanded audience needs, create goals grounded in this research, and choose improvements that directly work towards those goals; this ensures that these efforts are not only solving problems, but solving the most important problems according to stakeholders closest to the product or service.Citation
Cook, K. M. (2022). Peak of the Parks: A User-Centric Website Revision. SUNY Polytechnic Institute.