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Savelios, AslanidisKeyword
Student admissionsDatabase
College admissions
Database management system
Database administrator
Database platform
Computer programs
Computer applications
Data collection
Student information system (SIS)
Term and Year
Fall 2021Date Published
Show full item recordAbstract
Collection of information is common practice in today’s business functions. Organizations collect raw facts, also known as data, and use it to generate information which helps with business functions and decision making. Organizations such as higher education collect data from students when an application is submitted and create records of all the applicants which are used for admission purposes. Universities and colleges have many departments and often these departments may have their own admission process based on specific criteria, and in some instances this admission process is done manually in paper on a basic level. This project demonstrates the design of a database system as an ideal solution to input, store and generate student data. Designing and developing a student database management system (DBMS) that can be used to gather data using input forms and generate information in the form of lists and reports in a graphical user interface can reduce or eliminate the manual and vulnerable process of recording, maintaining, and storing student information.Citation
Aslanidis, S. (2021, December). Database Management System for Student Admissions: A Master's Thesis Project Presented to the Department of Communication and Information Design In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Science Degree. SUNY Polytechnic Institute.Related items
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